The premise is simple: There's a bad guy (Sperminator by name, cute ain't it?) that's infecting people from Sex City because he's not protecting himself. (seriously, who wants to sleep with this guy...) That's where our heroes jump in to save the day! Battling against a dick-armed luchador in the night sky of Sex city!
Alright... So the setting is a little lame, but that's not the only thing that's wrong with this game. First of all, the characters have some... troubling aspects about them. WonderVag? Seriously, who thought of that name? Just look at her, even Barbie dolls have better clothing criteria. Next we have Power Pap, the "not caucasian" sexually active girl. Because, you know, white chicks believe in abstinence. BUT! She's Power Pap! You know, PAP tests don't check for every STIs, guess she still has to be careful, or she might learn another lesson sometime soon. Condom man... Actually he's not that bad. Half man half condom? Sure, why not. Finally we have Willy the kid. His power's the best: ROCK HARD STRENGTH! Damn Willy, you're the man! They just had to associate "rock hard" with a black male. I guess there wasn't enough stereotypes in this game, they had to put more obvious ones. Another visual aspect that's bugging me is that, well, according to this game, males are evil. I mean, damn, just look at that spermatozoa! I didn't know they looked like angry piranhas! The logical conclusion is pretty much, sperm is evil. It's not about values or whatever, it's about right or wrong. Don't mess around with cum, because it will fuck you up!
There is also one thing that's bugging me in the gameplay. Whenever you answer incorrectly, you get cummed on. That's right, get ready for a money shot people! I sure am happy that's not how they teach me in university. The quotes you get when you get "attacked" are pretty funny too. "Right in the face!". Yup.
But enough bashing. Stereotypes aside, there are a lot of good things to see here. The questions asked during the game are actually pretty good. I read comments of people playing the game (and played it myself) and you do get useful information out of all this. Also, the starting page has some nice links to other pages of the website containing information, different types of ads and more. All of it is pretty easy to navigate too, which is a plus.
So in the end, what do I think about this thing? Hard to say... If you recognize that a lot of the visuals are ridiculous, it'll be worth a few laughs and you'll enjoy the questions and the info provided. But as a tool to promote safe sex, I got a few gripes with the game as a whole. Some elements are just not appropriate here... I know the game was made with the help of teenagers for teenagers, but the role of us professionals is to filter those kind of elements. I'm surprised that this was considered a finished product by the MLHU. Don't get me wrong though, I love the concept, but it needs a lot of tweaking.
Try it out and tell me what you think!
Adventures in SEX CITY
Oui, j'ai déjà entendu parlé de jeu il me semble...
ReplyDeleteWow. C'est un article certainement intéressant. (Je n'ai pas actuellement le temps d'essayer le jeu, peut-être la semaine prochaine ou un truc du genre.)
ReplyDeleteSans lien au "contenu" je suis absolument troublé que ROCK HARD ait une moustache. Pis Wondervag. HM.
Dans mes préférences pour l'éducation sexuelle des adolescents (en tant que moi-même adolescente), J'ai le Midwest Teen Sex Show, c'est des podcasts sur le sexe qui sont vraiment sympathiques et hilarants (à mon avis). j'apprécie aussi qu'ils parlent de choses que l'éducation sexuelle typique au secondaire n'enseigne pas. (Lien :http://midwestteensexshow.com/category/episodes/)
J'ai hâte de voir de que tu postera éventuellement♥
Merci! J'ai ajouter le site dans mes links pis j'ai regarder les premiers videos! Tres drole et tres interessant!