Thursday, March 18, 2010

When I masturbate...

Alright, I got lots of work for university and also, well, lots of games to play (yes, I game as a hobby).  So I be posting a lot of news, but I got tons of videos and songs to post for a while, so, well, here's one of them. 

Die Antwoord - Beat Boy

This a song my friend sent me not long ago.  It's pretty much some crazy freaky sex fantasy from start to finish which makes for some pretty interesting lyrics, which are provided on the page.  The beat is really good too, but the main event is the read here.  I wonder what the video would look like... 

I'm not gonna spoil the fun and talk about the lyrics so go ahead and read!

More crazy videos/songs soon!


  1. Hey Wong!!!

    Ridster here, have a sneak preview of the clip for Beatboy.

  2. Ouais javais deja vu! Moi je parlais, si yavait un video qui illustrait les paroles de la toune, ca serait... special...
